Our pillars

As members of our fraternity, we uphold three pillars: Philanthropy, Professionalism, and Brotherhood.


Members of Kappa Alpha Pi enjoy access to a diverse network of professionals in various fields of law. The fraternity offers hands-on training, preparation for law school, and general professional development for students of all majors. While our members share a common interest in law, our fraternity contains students from all majors seeking a wide variety of career paths.


It is our duty to give back to the community that we all live and breathe in. The members of Kappa Alpha Pi participate in beach clean-ups, feeding the homeless, reading to inner city kids, promoting social justice, promoting higher education, and much more. Our fraternity takes an active role within the community and encourages all brothers to participate in giving back.


Each quarter, members can participate in many different events such as intramural sports, rock climbing, retreats, and much more. We are a diverse group of people that celebrates differences and builds relationships outside of academics to form a family. There are no strangers in the Kappa Alpha Pi Fraternity.